Prime World: Preview of the Dragonwald card

We were able to see Dragonwald one of the first, at the stage of internal studio testing. This is when developers and producers run through the forests, birds sing in debt mode, and the dying dragon meticulously writes his sensations in the log. We saw that for ordinary mortals it will become a reality in two weeks – a new card, and with it a new game mode in Prime World.

What is Dragonwald on

The latest history of computer games remembers the case when a single addon has become a full -fledged game, and then a whole genre. Mechanics laid in Dota Allstars, They reproduced a myriad of times – ten heroes, three lines of the offensive, two bases and an endless stream of monsters that grind each other on a counter attack. Heroes of Newerth and League of Legends level projects moved on and eventually introduced new cards (in fact, the modes of the game) – “three to three”, “dominance” and the like. This time has come in Prime World. And if the base card strictly follows the genre canon, then the dragonwald is the author and very unusual development. Most of all, it resembles a dungeon in an online role: a group of heroes moves towards a large “boss” through a string of “bosses” of a smallest, alternating tactics and helping each other, and the raid leader marks goals and yells heartily in the voice chat.

Where the bomb will fall, a warning circle flashes. Who did not have time, he was killed or firmly crippled.

There are no place for weakmings here

There are no weak soldiers and monsters in Dragonwald. A few local inhabitants went into groups and guard the paths, so there is no direct path to the enemy. Docts and Adornians enter the game from opposite bases and move towards each other, clearing the road. At the beginning of the party, we have a pure PVE-mode in front of us, and a rather complicated. Those who managed to get used to, that wild monsters in Prime World – frail cannon fodder, inevitably collide with a couple of painful surprises.

Experience accumulates slowly. If on a standard map it was enough to meet the advancing, receiving one level after another, then here – only run, choosing the next group that you can already overcome. Solo tactics for many classes are not far off: the chance to go to the base is too high, and the unfinished monsters will not bring a drop of prime. You have to group yourself and, as far as possible, try to divide the enemy detachment. The latter is not so simple: the enemy will not pursue you in half a card. You just have to break the distance, and the monsters will return back, and at the same time restore health.

So, clearing the paths and growing in levels, the teams are approaching the center of the map. There are birds on the way, whose leader destroys enemies with a piercing cry;Piruins armed with powerful bombs;flocks of dragon;riders in lizards;Ghosts of ghosts;green beast, paralyzing enemies with a flashlight on the head;ficus, oozing poisonous green gas … and a dragon. One. In the very center.

Tugting eggs

The dragon is the closest relative of the Gorynych snake, but his role in the gameplay is completely different. He is no longer a side “boss”, on which the team, having seized the moment, can quickly raise a couple of decisive levels. Here it is the main and only key to victory. For most mortal prime, it means death, but for dragons it is a source of strength and health. The dragon itself is the focus of the prime, and the dragon egg is the same, only in the square. And if you bring such an egg closer to the mining installations, the units will fail from the overload.

The offensive strategy of both fractions is being built on this. Kill the dragon, grab the fallen egg and attribute to the enemy territory. The closer it is to the enemy base, the faster the strength of the building decreases, and within one or two minutes the base explodes, bringing the victory of the aggressor team. A player carrying an egg is especially vulnerable: he is disconnected by all the talents of invisibility, acceleration, quick movement, a teleport does not work. In a word, everything that would leave the pursuers. Therefore, at the time of the murder of the dragon, the game sharply changes the genre with PVE to aggressive PVP with the elements of the “capture of the flag”. With the only difference being that you need to take the “flag”, that is, the egg, not to your territory, but in the very heart of the enemy. Opponents, of course, try to kill the egg -pronoun hero, take away the burden and drag it in the opposite direction. It turns out something like tug of a rope on the contrary.

A pair of hits at the last hero, a couple of hits at the dragon. Now everything is solved by milliseconds … and the probability of “Crete”.

Differences and nuances

Each team has four heroes (and not five, as in the main mode). There is no mini-game: with such a number of participants, it would be too wasteful to send someone to the “zoom”. When compared with a classic map, the parties are more fleeting, so you should not bet on the upper line of talents – the game usually ends earlier, within 20 – 26 levels. Since there are few monsters, less effective and “cumulative” talents that enhance their effect from mass killings.

Tactically, the party can be divided into three phases: a set of experience, a battle with a dragon and a decisive battle. Moreover, the last stage is almost completely predetermined – which team was better “pumped” and the first killed the dragon, she

will be released by the winner from a series of final conflicts. And although we happened to see the exception (the team with the egg was carried away by the attack, was killed near the base and eventually lost), the victory in Dragonwald is based on a competent PVE development. The final PVP is more likely to summarize the results.

It is also equally important to guess the moment when it’s time to go to the dragon. Overestimate your strength – lose time and lag behind, underestimate – the opposite team will intercept the initiative. The local dragon has fewer health than the usual Gorynych, but it bites more painfully and brings less than a primary. It is optimal to beat him with a team of 19 – 23 levels – depending on its class composition.

This is how Dragonwald appeared before us. It will be worth reminding that all of the above can still change, because right now there is a final refinement of balance and individual details of game mechanics. The launch of the regime is expected over the next couple of weeks.

Developers warn that Dragonwald will not be available constantly: additional cards are planned to alternate over time. That is, the base card of the border guards will always be open, and sideways will cyclically change each other as part of a regular rotation. True, here is the principle and frequency (on Tuesdays, on holidays, during the days of full lunar eclipses?) not yet disclosed. Let’s try to keep you in the know.

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